Why and when is digital evidence examined?
Digital evidence may come into play in any serious criminal investigation such as murder, rape, stalking, car-jacking, burglary, child abuse or exploitation, counterfeiting, extortion, gambling, piracy, property crimes and terrorism. Pre- and post-crime information is most relevant, for example, if a criminal was using an online program like Google Maps™ or street view to case a property before a crime; or posting stolen items for sale on Craigslist or E-Bay®; or communicating via text-message with accomplices to plan a crime or threaten a person. Some crimes can be committed entirely through digital means, such as computer hacking, economic fraud or identity theft.
In any of these situations, an electronic trail of information is left behind for a savvy investigation team to recognize, seize and exploit. As with any evidence-gathering, following proper procedures is crucial and will yield the most valuable data. Not following proper procedures can result in lost or damaged evidence, or rendering it inadmissible in court.